Refund and Return Policy

Refund & Return Policy last updated on 09/16/2022
Our product quality is guaranteed. If you are not satisfied with a product, please contact us to process a return within 30 days of the date of purchase from us for a refund or replacement. Credit will be calculated at 80% of the price paid at purchase( 20% for handling) unless product arriaved damaged. Refunds will not be accepted for reasons where customer changed mind or decided to stop taking the product. Please call Customer Service (888) 241-9580 to set up your return shipment. Please have the corresponding product order number ready. All order numbers should be marked clearly on the outside of the package. Boxes returned to us without a visible order number will not qualify for a refund and cannot be returned to the sender. NOTE: Discounted or special deal products cannot be returned for credit. Seasonal, discontinued or special promotional products are not returnable. Accepted Refund is guarantee applies only to products that have not been misused, intentionally damaged, discontinued, are outdated, or have not been purchased from an source besides our website.
Contact Us: Please contact us if you have any questions or need help with this process.